As 5G adoption continues to proliferate, mobile network operators (MNOs) worldwide are focused on providing
ubiquitous coverage to ensure the best possible quality of experience (QoE). Yet, in order to meet growing demand for high data throughput and reliable connectivity in densely populated areas, the deployment of multiple cell sites is needed to provide the necessary capacity for high density areas with requirements for high performance peak throughput. This task can be quite challenging and costly when pursuing a traditional macrocell deployment strategy.
White Papers
Analysis: Irish Multi-Band Spectrum Awards and the Mobile Market in 2023
This white paper by Luke Kehoe is a case study on the outcome of the Irish spectrum auction award process and a health check on the current state of the Irish mobile market in 2023.
Collaborating to Connect in the ‘New Normal’
This whitepaper is based on the outputs of a telecoms workshop held by the Connect Research Centre for
Future Networks in Trinity College Dublin in conjunction with Dublin City Council and Smart Docklands.
The workshop provided an opportunity for knowledge sharing between academia, government and
industry players like Alpha Wireless, Aspire Technology and Dense Air.
UBBA White Paper: The Inherent Risks of Doing Nothing
A recent survey conducted by the Utility Broadband Alliance (UBBA) to gather feedback on broadband infrastructure strategies, challenges and needs from mid-level management to the executive level at various utilities revealed a “lack of education on the issues” as the greatest challenge in supporting a broadband network as well as a “lack in communication network expertise.”
White Paper 3.5 GHz – 5G
In the unrelenting cycle of breakneck change, accelerated by the proliferation of the Internet, mobile operators find themselves in an unprecedented situation – supporting the demand for progressive enhancement of network performance while, in parallel, sustaining an erosion of revenue from traditional sources.
Antenna Selection and Optimisation for Small Cell Networks (with InfoVista)
Using a radio’s integrated antenna is convenient, but it will require a largersite count, and will only offer mediocre network performance. The careful choice of antennas improves network performance while decreasing overall capital investment. Using a radio’s...
Antenna quality impacts mobile network performance
Poor quality antennas are now a major limiting factor in the performance of high capacity mobile networks. So why do operators often ignore them? Customers are demanding more from mobile networks every day, while operators struggle to keep up with this demand....
Optimised antenna radiation patterns reduce overall network interference
Mobile network users always look for the best quality of service (QoS). The QoS depends on many factors such as the technology, the coverage, the capacity of the mobile network, etc. Interference is a factor as important as coverage because while there is less...
Alpha Wireless Antennas Help Operator Increase Sector Capacity
Mezon ( is a wireless broadband operator based in Lithuania. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of TeleCentras, the Lithuanian TV and Radio network ( Mezon was experiencing unacceptable interference in parts of its network. They identified this...
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